Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good Days and Bad Days

Today marks exactly 2 weeks since I started the dreading process. It has been fun so far but I DO have my mix of good days and bad. Today is a bad one. My head looks like a wrestling match between straight long hair against knotted hair. It's a cross between cave-man and burned-out rock star. UUUGGGHH. Anyone who has been through this will tell ya, "relax man, its all part of the process. Takes time dude".

The hardest part is trying to separate the dreads to prevent "crossovers" of hair and developing a congo entwinement.  Dreadlocks, as they mature will be much less hassle and maintenance free for the most part, but I still have about 9 months (with luck) to go. On a positive note, my dreads have tamed down quite a bit and I don't have as much of an afro of dreads so much as I did a week ago. I wear a tam most of the time when I'm out and about and take it off when I am at home. I can only hope my new place of employment will allow me to wear it as I teach during the day. If not, I am sure they will change their mind upon seeing the WWF match going on, on my head. Let's hope that the dreads win over the loose straight hair!

Here's to a dreadful, natural beginning!

 (pictures will be posted soon and all smart-ass remarks are expected).


  1. I think I could add a smart-ass comment right now.

    But...wait, I'll save the best for last.

  2. CK-- I would expect nothing less from you!

  3. Hey! I know you don't know me, but we have a mutual friend. Maragaret, she used to babysit me when I was a kid. I just dreaded my hair and she sent me a link to your blog about your dreads. Awesome! Kudos for them btw...they are sweet! Keep blogging and I'll keep reading!

