Friday, September 21, 2012

2 years and 2 months

Holy Crappoli! Been a little while since I updated this (and quite frankly, I doubt anyone out there will notice this update). But nonetheless, it has been an interesting journey, dreadlocks-wise. Since my last post, I've been faced with idiots who throw the "racial apropriation" card on me, found new ways to wash my locs, met other dreads and I have found a new love of life....all in the name of dreadlocks!

OK, that last bit was a little over-the-top, but I do enjoy having locs. I love the way it clusters together to make a "pillow" when I lay my head down or the swish-swashing of movements when I'm out playing soccer with the boys.  Most of all, I enjoy that they are mine!

Currently, I have three congos growing; two of them have three dreads forming one...that's gonna be a biggie! Sadly, I have lots of loose hairs swinging around my messy head but that's to be expected I guess....all new hair that grew since I started locking up.

I can't wait to see what they look like in 3 more years. Then again, I prolly won't be adding another post until then......GAWD!