Thursday, August 5, 2010

The First Wash

Some people recommend not to wash new baby dreads for 2 weeks. WHAT?!?!? I was lucky to go as long as I did (5 days). I figured I'd just follow my heart and go for it. I washed my "rat-nest" hair this morning and it was a new experience. After having long straight hair for 10+ years, I have never felt my head become so heavy while the dreads soaked up water. It was just like a sponge! With that said, for the first time in 11 years (probably more) I used a hair dryer. It felt like it took forever and my arms just about pryed off after holding it up for so long to do the deed.

Right now I feel a little disappointed as I see that many dreads have come undone and are coming apart at the roots. This sucks! I knew it would do that, but some part of me was hoping that I was going to be the exception to the rule. I know it's gonna take a long time for the dreads to finally knot up and while I am constantly telling myself to just go with the flow, I can't help but wonder if I am going about it all wrong. I can't wait to read this post months later and laugh! For now...... palm-roll, twist, palm-roll, backcomb, palm-roll......


  1. A gal on one of the blogs I read has had her dreads for three years. She writes some good posts about them, and has a photo series up for her dready journey.

    She has some great shots. :)

  2. just got your hair fixed and yet you ruined it. Nice! =D jk :P

    Hmm...Maybe I'll let my hair grow very long and turn them into dreads,....waay later, ofc.

    faithful follower, Ua

  3. Hi- It'll be fun reading your blog- you said 'therapeutic', great, but also it is funny for me to read what you have to say. So, I thank you. Keep it up. Stay ridiculous.


  4. Hey Jason! It's Kelly! I'm somehow posting this by using my AIM account???

    No worries; mine did that too. Just be gentle washing them at first, and try not to do it too often. I was washing every four days or so. Your scalp will start producing less oils eventually, and your hair will stay cleaner longer.

    Also, this type of treatment is new to your scalp, and getting dandruff with dreads SUCKS. When rubbing your dreads, take the root of the dread in your fingers, and rub it in a circular motion. Hair usually grows in a clockwise motion, just like the way the follicles are laid out, so it will dread more quickly with a clockwise rubbing motion. This also exfoliates your scalp like combing used to do. It will relieve itchies. Also, when washing, focus on your scalp. That's where your hair is dirtiest. You can soap the rest of your dreads a little, but because you're not combing/brushing your hair anymore, you aren't spreading oils throughout your hair; so the longer parts of your dreads will stay fairly clean as long as you don't roll around in dirt or anything.
